

About HmmmUK


Freeola Broadband - Internet Service launched at the end of 2007. I wanted somewhere online to post images and other content. Back then there weren't as many free image and blogging services around as there are today, and having your own web space gives you more control. I already used Freeola / GetDotted as my ISP and Hosting provider so they were the obvious choice as everything works well.




GetDotted - Register domain namesAs I was only playing around, rather than register a new domain name (I have over 100 registered with Freeola, who I can recommend!) I decided to make use of their free hosting / domain names - hence the 'ip3' address. Freeola's Freeola500 is a collection of domains used to allow people to have a 'free web address' by creating your own sub-domain. Hmmm... as I was already using this for a few forum usernames and I just picked as a nice short domain name.


This website isn't really a blog - just a hotchpotch of things I use or come across, some of which others have found useful over the years.




Google Adsense


I started using Google Adsense to monetise the site just as a bit of light-hearted competition with my sister who was building a much more professional website. She had been doing a lot of serious research into keywords and content writing and had been on training courses and was altogether taking a much more professional approach - I decided just to signup to Adsense and stick some ads on my pages and see what happens! She did me a big favour, as over the years my simple play site has given me a useful income.
It's turned me into a real Google fan - more on Nexus devices and Android etc. soon...



5 Million Page Views


In 2014 the website passed 5 million page views - the traffic peaking in 2012/13. I didn't want to touch it while things were going so well! The traffic has cooled off a bit now, so 2015 is the time for a refresh. I've only just made a start re-writing some old pages and planning new content - it's still just my play website so progress might be slow.

Find Longitude and Latitude

Channel 4 iPlayer

Speeding up broadband connections...