Hmmm... Are you sure?Hmmm... BBC News Ticker JavaScript Demo



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BCC style news/ticker script...



BBC NEWS ticker script...News Ticker/Marquee demonstration

This News 'Ticker' has been borrowed from the BBC news website.
Each 'line of news' is a link to a separate URL link.


JavaScript BBC 'ticker' ...
This sample script just has 3 links with descriptions and has been 'cobbled together' from the BBC's first ticker script - their current version has introduced some changes.

Place this statement where you want the 'news ticker' to display:

<div class="ticki"><a id="tickerAnchor" href="#" target="_top" class="tickl"></a></div>

Then Copy/Paste the script below into your website, edit the bottom section as required changing the links and descriptions as appropriate.

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// Ticker startup
function startTicker()
// Define run time values
theCurrentStory = -1;
theCurrentLength = 0;
// Locate base objects
if (document.getElementById) {
theAnchorObject = document.getElementById("tickerAnchor");
else {
document.write("<style>.ticki{display:none;}.ticko{border:0px; padding:0px;}</style>");
return true;
// Ticker main run loop
function runTheTicker()
var myTimeout;
// Go for the next story data block
if(theCurrentLength == 0)
theCurrentStory = theCurrentStory % theItemCount;
theStorySummary = theSummaries[theCurrentStory].replace(/&quot;/g,'"');
theTargetLink = theSiteLinks[theCurrentStory];
theAnchorObject.href = theTargetLink;
thePrefix = "<span class=\"tickls\">" + theLeadString + "</span>";
// Stuff the current ticker text into the anchor
theAnchorObject.innerHTML = thePrefix +
theStorySummary.substring(0,theCurrentLength) + whatWidget();
// Modify the length for the substring and define the timer
if(theCurrentLength != theStorySummary.length)
myTimeout = theCharacterTimeout;
theCurrentLength = 0;
myTimeout = theStoryTimeout;
// Call up the next cycle of the ticker
setTimeout("runTheTicker()", myTimeout);
// Widget generator
function whatWidget()
if(theCurrentLength == theStorySummary.length)
return theWidgetNone;

if((theCurrentLength % 2) == 1)
return theWidgetOne;
return theWidgetTwo;
// -->
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var theCharacterTimeout = 50;
var theStoryTimeout = 5000;
var theWidgetOne = "_";
var theWidgetTwo = "-";
var theWidgetNone = "";
var theLeadString = "HmmmUK :&nbsp;";

var theSummaries = new Array();
var theSiteLinks = new Array();

var theItemCount = 3;

theSummaries[0] = "My tips on improving and understanding Broadband/ADSL...";
theSiteLinks[0] = "";
theSummaries[1] = "Find the Longitude and Latitude of any location in the world!...";
theSiteLinks[1] = "";
theSummaries[2] = "See how fast your internet connection is with a simple speed test...";
theSiteLinks[2] = "";

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