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Useful business decision making tips!

For simple everyday decisions use:

ibble obble black bobble ibble obble out
ibble obble black bobble ibble obble out
ibble obble black bobble ibble obble – O  U  T  spells out ….and so on

For larger purchases or major changes of investment strategy etc. use:

one potato two potato three potato four
five potato six potato seven potato more
one potato, two potato, three potato, four
five potato, six potato, seven potato more
icha bacha, soda cracker, icha bacha boo
icha bacha, soda cracker, out goes YOU

And for personnel issues; hiring, firing, redundancy etc. use:

ip dip dip sky blue who's it not you
ip dip dip sky blue who's it not you
ip dip dip sky blue who's it not you, etc

This has to be conducted with the job applicants, or staff to be made redundant, standing in a circle while you go around touching each of their outstretched fists in turn with your fist. On the cry of ‘not you’ the candidate lowers the one touched fist behind their back and it carries on. Finally, the new employee or the one to be made redundant will be the person remaining with a last untouched fist.

Complicated I know, but it's fair and applicable to all creeds, races, genders and abilities without discrimination or favour!


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